Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Muslim Zionists

Saudi Royal Family and Zionism 
Zionism exist in others countries like Pakistan in Face of Zia Ul Haq, Nawaz Sharif and Mulana Fazal Rehman.

Notes to readers:
  •  Please read or listen to what is said or written rather than who is saying it.
  • The purpose of the research is not propaganda or mudslinging but to make the people aware of the facts.
  • Everything I do is personal unless I am in public office or if my actions have adverse effect on more than one person (not including myself).
  • This is just highlights to give the readers a chance to research and bring constructive criticism and feedback to the table. 
Please don’t search for Muslim Zionist or Zionism on the internet because the meaning you will find will tell you about the group of Muslim supporters of Israeli state. I picked up an article from the news last week about the Saudi Prince spending 23 million dollars on this graduation party. The amount of money spent was none of mine or anyone’s business and the purpose of the article wasn’t to beg the Royal (The pure and the righteous) for any money for poor countries in any way. It wasn’t jealousy and it wasn’t western propaganda. It wasn’t Pakistani or other third world mentality. It was pure fact and unfortunately a very microscopic fact compare to other facts about the Royal Family. As many of us know people wrote many books on the life style, corruption and hypocrisy of the Royal family but we will not do the same here. We will highlights some fact and in later days discuss each of them. Your feedback will guide us if we miss on anything and obviously we will add more topics of interest as we move forward.

Wahhabism: Sheikh Muhammad bin Saud was just another tribal leader in the central Arabian region of Nejd when, in 1744, he provided shelter for a local preacher and judge named Sheikh Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab. According to the deal Sauds will control the government while the Wahabs will control the religion and become the contractors of heaven and hell.

The Hashemites: Custodians of the holy cities before the Saud’s family. We don’t know much about them but they have played role in the past and in present on how the Saud’s family do their business.

The house of Hashim ruled the Makah for a long time. In 1908 Sharif Hussein was appointed the leader of Hashemites and Amir of Hijaz. The british at one point had a tough decision to make between the Saud’s and the Hussein to foment an Arab revolt against the Turks.

A treaty was discovered after the british captured Busra that showed that Saud’s had promised the Turks not to give British any concession, Same year they did another agreement with British to be recognized as ruler of Nejd in exchange for not attacking neigbors…Very interesting subject.

The IKHWAN: The house of Rashid..Ibn saud with Ikhwan defeated the Rashidis and their leader also Saud was killed leaving behind three widows. Inb Saud gave one Rashidi Widow to his brother, one to his son and kept the third one. Fahda Bin Asi Al Shuraim for himself. She gave birth to Abdulah the king of Saudi Arabia.

Deals and Treaties with British and U.S : After the discovery of OIL (Allah’s Gift) Saudis started the real game. If anything the oil helped Ibn Saud father 60 children. Early days of oil discovery lead to countless treaties for Protection of themselves to interference in foreign countries.

Relationships with Other countries:

Slavery and how it got abolished because a U.S president wanted to make it easier to buy Oil from Saud’s:

Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Saudi role in death of Jamal Abdel Naseer:

Did Saud’s play a role in Israel attack on the Egypt and Syria and Jordan to diffuse Naseer popularity.
Did Saud’s play a role in U.S invasion of Iraq: Very recent history and everyone should know the answer to this.
Faisal VS Faisal: How the young Nephew killed the King and why. A True story Faisal’s father death at the hand of Saud’s family. the fake report of the drug use after his beheading.
Alcoholism, Gambling and sex scandals: Kings and princess and their British mistresses, whiskey import in private jets, drugs and sex parties. 2010 prince killing of his gay servant and hundreds more
1979 Siege of Holly Kaaba: The operation by French troops the hidden story why a Muslim country wasn’t allowed to provide help. The Jordan Army was refused to take part etc.
Madrassah culture : Saudi’s promoting Madrassah’s in Pakistan and other developing countries to reduce the literacy rate and to produce more hate mongers against different sects.
Osama bin Laden: Champion of Islam hiding with numerous wives and letting the poor people die in war. U.S hypocrisy of not attacking Saud’s even though the hijackers were all Saudi’s and make Pakistan and Afghanistan the scape goat.
Using Islam for their own Agenda
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